Monday, 8 April 2013

Renal Scan Complete

Last week I completed the Renal Scan at the Civic Hospital. It was a pretty easy procedure. I didn't have to really do anything except "go pee", be injected with radioactive material and then lie still... that was probably the hardest part. Of course your back becomes uncomfortable, your nose itches and there's a hair in your eye when you have to lie still.

The main part of the procedure was 30 minutes. I ws able to watch the progress on the screen above me, I watched for a few minutes and then promptly fell asleep. When I woke up, my kidneys and bladder were making a smilie face at me (not really a smile, but it was close enough). At this point, I had to "empty my bladder" again, come back and lie on the table for another 5 minutes, then I was finished.

The table moves, so when you're lying down, you are moved into the machine and the appropriate camera does the scanning. In my case, the camera was beneath me. I didn't feel anything, and it certainly wasn't as noisy as an MRI. The technician was very kind and cheerful, so the appointment seemed to go quickly and without a hitch. Now I simply wait for the results and move on to my next appointment... the Psychologist Consult. Uh-oh! 

I find hospitals to be a little bit scary, I never seem to know where I am going and usually end up lost. I was lucky that while searching what I thought was the 1st floor, I ran into a wonderful friend and was able to catch up a bit!! I wasn't so lucky when I made it to the actual 1st floor (bottom floor is the main floor at the Civic), I ran into these "canisters" just outside of Nuclear Medicine. Eeesh

There's nothing scary about them. I'm pretty sure the placard says that it's simply compressed air, but hey, I was walking into a "Nuclear" area!

I will always be a fan of these pull strings in the washrooms... I keep considering installing them in my house. Lord knows I could use them! I think even having a "cancel" button some days would be a bonus! :)

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