Friday, 12 April 2013

Psychiatrist Consult - Check

I'm not really sure why this appointment made me nervous, perhaps because we are all a little crazy, aren't we? I was expecting to be asked questions such as, "Why do you want to do this?"  "What if it is not successful?"  "Do you have a good support network?" etc..

What he asked was, "Was it difficult to make this decision?"
My answer to that was, "No!" I told him that when I realized I could be a live organ donor, my only disappointing or negative thought was, "I wish I had realized this sooner!"  I wish I had been able to start this process a long time ago, but we can't look backwards, only forwards.

He also asked me about my childhood, if I had suffered any trauma or abuse. He asked if I had any drug or alcohol dependency issues, asked about life and stress and if I had ever been depressed. The very fact that I made it through that appointment with a smile on my face means a lot! He was wonderful to sit and chat with, had a little advice about a perscription I am currently on and as we talked he said it sounds like I practice mindfullness. I suppose I do.

I am a firm believer, now, that every emotion has a right to be felt and you have a right to feel them. Every tough day or good day should be recognized and appreciated. Stuffing down the negative feelings or believing that you should feel okay, does not really get you ahead in the long run. If you are feeling low, allow yourself to feel it. Recognize it and move on! Dr. Bourgon suggested that sometimes over-assurance can lead to more anxiety, and really... who needs that? :) Mindfullness is simply about being present with your emotions, living in that particular moment and dealing with it. Acceptance is key. Ahhhh, if I had only been that smart as a child. :)
So, next week, I am appointment free. The following week I have three appointments on the 23rd. I am in for a CT Scan late morning, then early afternoon I have the Social Worker Consultation, then the Surgical Consultation. The last appointment, on April 29 (my brithday) is with the Nephrologist. I am still unsure why I am not to drink any caffienated beverages before I see him, I just know that I must have my coffee into me by 8:00! No problem!

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