Whomever ends up with this kidney, I would like to apologize. If you end up with my character traits, be prepared to have numerous little scars, bruises, broken dishes, etc, etc... I am a super clumsy person, it seems!
Once again, I ended up giving blood this week... unfortunately, not to the Red Cross, but to the window and couch where I was cleaning windows. Eeesh.
As for the phenomenon, it is something that I find very interesting. There have been many cases of recipients taking on traits or even having memories from the donor. This is known as (or thought to be known as) Cellular Memory. Many alternative therapists (massage, chiropractor, etc) believe that memories are stored in different areas of the body. I have been told that my low back and hips are my "power area", meaning it's the hardest area for me to let go and allow to release and relax. Apparently it's where I store a lot of my worries and fears. My low back and hips are always tight and always sore, so there may be something to that. Or, it could simply be that I use my glutes to hold me upright instead of my abs! lol... either way, when I have a massage when my back is the main focus, I am wiped out.
I hope whomever gets my kidney doesn't have too many of my hard memories, but perhaps they will all of a sudden have a great love for animals, or want to play volleyball or want to spend time near the water!
Now, back to tending to my new stitches. Yup, I'm that clumsy.